• 为什么写博客,是因为遇到的坑,不希望别人在踩一遍!
  • 选择了,剩下的就是坚持和努力-------致自己!
  • 当能力达不到梦想时,更需要学习,努力,拼搏


GitLab 雪豹 8年前 (2017-08-24) 1531次浏览 0个评论

第8章 gitlab 数据恢复

之前用gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create 备份过数据

8.1 注意事项:

2、安装完成后要运行gitlab-ctl reconfigure一次,这次也满足了.
3、gitlab当前要在运行的状态下,如果没有,使用gitlab-ctl start来启动它.

8.2 将备份数据拷贝上传 到/var/opt/gitlab/backups/

[root@gitlab backups]# cd /var/opt/gitlab/backups/
[root@gitlab backups]# ls -l
总用量 52
-rw------- 1 git git 51200 8月   3 15:46 1501746380_2017_08_03_gitlab_backup.tar
chown git:git /var/opt/gitlab/backups/1501746380_2017_08_03_gitlab_backup.tar



[root@gitlab backups]# sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
ok: down: unicorn: 1s, normally up
[root@gitlab backups]# sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
ok: down: sidekiq: 0s, normally up
[root@gitlab backups]# gitlab-ctl status
run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 14054) 640s; run: log: (pid 1351) 10504s
run: logrotate: (pid 14062) 640s; run: log: (pid 1349) 10504s
run: nginx: (pid 14068) 639s; run: log: (pid 1343) 10504s
run: postgresql: (pid 14076) 639s; run: log: (pid 1356) 10504s
run: redis: (pid 14084) 639s; run: log: (pid 1345) 10504s
down: sidekiq: 6s, normally up; run: log: (pid 1355) 10504s
down: unicorn: 10s, normally up; run: log: (pid 1350) 10504s

8.3 恢复数据

[root@gitlab backups]#cd /var/opt/gitlab/backups
[root@gitlab backups]# ls
[root@gitlab backups]# pwd
[root@gitlab backups]# sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1501746380_2017_08_03


没有报错的话,中间会叫你确认两次,然后是一大堆的ALERT TABLE DEL TABLE

8.3.1 输入第一次yes
[root@gitlab backups]# sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1501746380_2017_08_03
Unpacking backup ... done
Before restoring the database we recommend removing all existing
tables to avoid future upgrade problems. Be aware that if you have
custom tables in the GitLab database these tables and all data will be

Do you want to continue (yes/no)?  yes #在这里输入
8.3.2 第二次yes
This will rebuild an authorized_keys file.
You will lose any data stored in authorized_keys file.
Do you want to continue (yes/no)?  yes 

8.3.3 查看重启gitlab 和再次查看状态

[root@gitlab backups]# gitlab-ctl restart
ok: run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 14942) 0s
ok: run: logrotate: (pid 14950) 1s
ok: run: nginx: (pid 14956) 0s
ok: run: postgresql: (pid 14964) 1s
ok: run: redis: (pid 14966) 0s
ok: run: sidekiq: (pid 14976) 0s
ok: run: unicorn: (pid 14979) 1s
[root@gitlab backups]# gitlab-ctl status
run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 14942) 26s; run: log: (pid 1351) 10964s
run: logrotate: (pid 14950) 26s; run: log: (pid 1349) 10964s
run: nginx: (pid 14956) 25s; run: log: (pid 1343) 10964s
run: postgresql: (pid 14964) 25s; run: log: (pid 1356) 10964s
run: redis: (pid 14966) 24s; run: log: (pid 1345) 10964s
run: sidekiq: (pid 14976) 24s; run: log: (pid 1355) 10964s
run: unicorn: (pid 14979) 24s; run: log: (pid 1350) 10964s

8.3.4 恢复前

8.3.5 恢复后


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